
Stream Mitigation

Mitigation banking is the preservation, enhancement, restoration or creation of a wetland, stream, or habitat conservation area which offsets, or compensates for, expected adverse impacts to similar nearby ecosystems. There is an ongoing effort of many of our customers to mitigate the disturbed acres from well pad constructions.

Where Doss Enterprises comes in.

  • This process comes full circle as we complete the longest mitigation project to date in the State of West Virginia at over 21,000 linear feet of stream.
  • Our expertise in GPS grading and instream structures allows for the timely and accurate completion of this project.
  • The high profile nature of these projects with permitting agencies mandates the instream excavation is closely monitored and proper measures placed to avoid damage downstream.
  • All of these measures fit into the way Doss Enterprises approaches all projects to “Do things right the first time.”
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